Thursday, 23 April 2009

Patch's Patch

As the weather is getting warmer, we decided that Patch the guinea pig needed to be out in the garden more. So over the weekend I bought some wood and a roll of wire mesh and made a rudimentary run for her. She loves it! Now she can nibble grass and the odd dandelion all day long.
I still have a bit more to do on it, like make a shelter section down one end so she has somewhere to go if it's too sunny. I also need to treat it with some pet-friendly preservative. Overall we're as pleased with it as Patch is!
Next woodwork lesson is making a planter ...

Potatoes are sprouting!
Had a quick look at the early potatoes that were planted in the containers and they've sprouted already! The Red Duke of York are growing faster than the Charlotte ones. Strangely I expected all the leaves to be green, but they're red (or purple) for the Yorks. Time to cover them over again soon!


  1. excellent tatties - so you just bury the growths completely? Or do you leave a little bit poking out of the top?

  2. I think I'm going to 'almost' cover the growths. I'm just going to use general purpose compost to which I've mixed in some bonemeal. It's all a bit of an experiment at this point.


Feel free to leave a comment, and all hints, tips and advice are greatly appreciated!