Wednesday 27 January 2010

Picked my allotment!

After about a year on a waiting list, I finally got to pick my allotment today!

Not wanting to take on too much in one go, I've gone for a half-plot, affectionately called 40A!

Although it's only a half plot, it was bigger than the other halves I was shown and seemed bigger than half of the only full plot that was available. Mine is on the 'larger' side of the access drive whereas all the others were on the shorter side.

It seemed in quite good condition - no massive build up of grass or anything. I think the bloke said that the person that had the whole plot couldn't cope so handed half back, after getting it nearly ready for working.

I should get my forms and stuff by the back-end of next week.

Right - I'm off to buy some potatoes.

And onions.

And carrots.

And broccoli. You get the idea.

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