Wednesday, 9 June 2010

Germinating Courgette

Both last year and this I've grown courgettes from seed. What has amazed me is how large the seedlings are and how quickly they grow.

So this got me thinking - a germinating courgette seed would be the ideal thing to film in timelapse.
So I downloaded the trial version of HandyAVI and set it up in the office with a webcam pointing at a small pot containing compost and one zucchini seed.

HandyAVI is a very cool piece of software - it can do lots of things beside timelapse. I set it up to record a frame every 3.5 minutes. After a few days I was rewarded with the following video:
Timelapse of courgette germinating

Even thought it seems bright in the office, it seems that the seedling grows taller than normal, searching out better light.

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