Tuesday, 5 May 2009

Beans: Broad but short!

Last year, in our old garden, we grew runner beans. They did very well, producing loads of beans but growing very tall, as they do. It's common knowledge that beanstalks grow very tall. In fact I recall one book I've read where the beanstalk reaches into the clouds. Even our little girls are aware of this documented occurrence!

Anyway, with this in mind, when choosing our broad beans I picked a dwarf variety (Sutton).
As you may have read previously, these have been planted out now. However they have not got very tall at all. So I did a bit of research and normal broad beans only grow to about 3ft any way! And I've got dwarf ones! 1.5ft - that's how high mine will get!

Well, they should still do well - they're in flower at the moment so hopefully will not be long before we get some proper produce from Matt's Patch (lettuce excluded).

One thing that has gone completely mad are the potatoes. I've earthed over the ones in the corner of the garden and as for the ones in the containers - they seem to be growing by a couple of inches a day, particularly the Red Duke of York. As soon as they get covered over, they've broken through again be the next morning! I hope they are growing equally well under the soil.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent work Matty! you certainly seem to have green fingers


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